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    Two New Period Panties Concepts!

    We've worked up a couple of new Period Panties designs! The first one is a Reading Rainbow parody called Bleeding Rainbow! How's everyone feel about tampon butterflies? They're cute, they're funny, they're badass, and if anyone gets too close...blood! The second is my attempt at a Supernatural-inspired design! My god, drawing faces of real people is tough! I think I redesigned Sam's face 3 different times! If you want to menstruate on either of these two designs, let us know! We love to hear from our fans!


    Why are they called "Period Panties"?

    period panties events

    When we're out shaking hands with the people, getting in some quality face time with our fans and customers and general passersby, we get asked again and again, "Why are these called 'Period Panties'?

    Allow us to explain. Our Period Panties, while not meant to replace a normal menstrual product like a tampon or pad, are created with periods in mind. They feature a double-lined black gusset ("inner crotch panel"), so in the event of some unforeseen spotting, your underwear won't get stained. Furthermore, the designs on the underwear tend to be very colorful, so even if the spotting is heavy and it happens to soak through, the busy designs will help camouflage any incidental staining that may occur. Additionally, our Period Panties are a full-coverage brief and are well structured so they won't ride up or slip down. The boyshorts version is even more full coverage, and many customers who have tried them tell us they can't go back to briefs! Both the Period Panties briefs and boyshorts have a wide enough panel to comfortably fit a pad if that's your style.

    And of course, lastly, or maybe firstly depending on what's important to you, the puns and designs on our Period Panties may reflect your inner mood- whether it be the raging unicorn inside you, or the take-no-shit superhero ready to face the world. And even if they don't reflect your mood, they're always good for a laugh at that not-so-fun time of the month!

    Boyshorts Sale!

    Period Panties Boyshorts Sale
    That's right ladies! This week only, all boyshorts underwear are just $8! You'll never get them cheaper than this! If you haven't yet tried our ultra comfy and ergonomic Period Panties boyshorts yet, now is a great chance to do so. We've got old favorites like Shark Week, Rainbo First Blood, Sour Puss, and Redrum, along with newer designs including It's Flow Time (Beetlejuice), It's Just a Flesh Wound, Jurassic Period, and more! Better hurry, lots of sizes are going fast!

    Watch how people react to seeing our Period Panties for the first time!

    We spend a lot- A LOT- of time on the road every year, covering tens of thousands of miles, eating lots of beefie sticks, drinking lots of gas station coffee, and singing lots of Hall & Oates along the way. With us vending at events such as neighborhood festivals, comic cons, music fests, Christmas bazaars, and night markets for more than half the weekends in a year, we bring our Period Panties, baby onesies, and shirts to every continental corner we can find. And you might think..."Geez, how many beefies and Super 8 waffles can one person eat before the telltale signs of pre-diabetes starts rearing its ugly head?" It's a fair question, to which I will tell you the answer, and in the process divulge the secret to a long, healthy life: road salad is better than no salad at all.

    But also, more pertinently to this blog post, you might think, "Wow, that's a LOT of weekends on the road- what fuels you besides greasy beefies and blue-eyed soul deep cuts?" The answer to that, my friends, is quite simple- watching people react to our products. Watching the penny drop as people process "Shark Week", "Nightmare on Bed Sheets", and "Cunt Dracula" is something that fills us with an endless reservoir of joy. We cannot get enough of the genuine shock, laughter, and surprise that people show when they realize just what it is they're looking at.

    We decided to film those reactions at an anime convention in November of 2016 so that we could share them: