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    Harebrained's Open House

    Harebrained's Open House Harebrained

    For the first time ever, Harebrained is allowing people to shop inside of our headquarters. We’ll have deals on shirts, underwear and more! Also, our friends @twistedhippo @shawnimals and @atomicrocket will be there to join in the fun!

    FYI: While we are going to have a ton of product there, keep in mind that most of our shirts are printed and fulfilled offsite. So if you’re looking for a specific Harebrained shirt (I’ve made over 1000 different designs), your best bet is going through the website. But if you're down to see what weird stuff we have at 5526 W. Montrose Ave, stop on by!

    Happy National Hot Dog Day

    Like I need a reason to shove a wiener in my mouth! Some people live by that trite saying "Dance like nobody is watching". I live my life like every day is National Hot Dog Day! And it shows. My beer belly is more like a beef belly.

    Back to the main reason why I started this blog post: LOOK AT THIS HOT DOG LOGO that I designed over 5 years ago! The coals of this company fizzled out before they could ever get hot, but that doesn't mean I love this mascot any less. I mean, look at his mustard mustache and bow tie! His top hat and fancy shoes! If I didn't know any better, this guy is less of a hot dog and more of a SPOILED BRAT! 

    Bun puns aside, Harebrained is now available for hire! We want to design your logo, beer label, and band shirt! Rates are negotiable. Send us an email here!