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    New Enamel Pins

    New Enamel Pins Harebrained

    While we're waiting for our incredibly late order of summer underwear, we decided to get some more enamel pins made up! We took two of our "Vintage" series characters, Vintage Link & Vintage Plumber and turned them into sweet pins! They both have a black metallic finish which gives them the feel that they're way more fancy then they actually are- you could wear them to a wedding!
    Another design that we turned into a pin is Scare Bear! Scare Bear was originally supposed to be a pair of Period Panties, but we didn't think the name was strong enough for us to turn it into a pair of underwear. So here it is as a limited time pin! If you have a better name for us, let us know! It's all that keeping this idea from being on your butt!

    Mega Man & Wolverine Shirts! SNIKT!

    Now that I'm a 34 year old, I can look back at my early gaming years with a certain fondness. Sure, I was awkward looking, didn't talk much and shook with excitement when it was my turn to play– but I still consider those days rather formidable to making me the person that I am today. None more so than Mario Bros 3 for the NES. That game had insane 8-bit graphics, secrets within the game, and was a huge leap in gameplay from Mario 2. I mean, Mario could fly if he had a raccoon tail and ears! It made no sense, and as a kid I loved it. Fuck, I still love it. So needless to say, the Mario Bros 3 cover was also my favorite. It was so simple, yet instantly iconic. 

    So it shouldn't shock anyone that if I'm going to make a t-shirt design, that it'll pay homage to that classic video game cover! So here's two brand new designs! Super Weapon X and Super Rock Man! Both are dedicated to two other dear characters in my childhood: Wolverine and Mega Man. (Full Disclosure: I hired Obvian: The Art of Nathan Davis) to design Super Weapon X) Both are up on Harebrained's Teepublic store! Is there a shirt that you'd like to see Harebrained design? Send us an email or let us know in the comments! 


    Who Wants Shit For Brains?

    Our newest Kickstarter is live! 4 days ago we launched a Kickstarter to make the world's grossest, funniest and weirdest trivia game possible and we're well on our way to making it a reality. Right now we're at 50% so hopefully we hit our goal after the 30 days is up! Tell your friends that you want Shit For Brains, and feel free to ask us any questions about it! Enjoy the video above! 

    Watch how people react to seeing our Period Panties for the first time!

    We spend a lot- A LOT- of time on the road every year, covering tens of thousands of miles, eating lots of beefie sticks, drinking lots of gas station coffee, and singing lots of Hall & Oates along the way. With us vending at events such as neighborhood festivals, comic cons, music fests, Christmas bazaars, and night markets for more than half the weekends in a year, we bring our Period Panties, baby onesies, and shirts to every continental corner we can find. And you might think..."Geez, how many beefies and Super 8 waffles can one person eat before the telltale signs of pre-diabetes starts rearing its ugly head?" It's a fair question, to which I will tell you the answer, and in the process divulge the secret to a long, healthy life: road salad is better than no salad at all.

    But also, more pertinently to this blog post, you might think, "Wow, that's a LOT of weekends on the road- what fuels you besides greasy beefies and blue-eyed soul deep cuts?" The answer to that, my friends, is quite simple- watching people react to our products. Watching the penny drop as people process "Shark Week", "Nightmare on Bed Sheets", and "Cunt Dracula" is something that fills us with an endless reservoir of joy. We cannot get enough of the genuine shock, laughter, and surprise that people show when they realize just what it is they're looking at.

    We decided to film those reactions at an anime convention in November of 2016 so that we could share them: