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    Free Coloring Page: El Caganer

    Free Coloring Page: El Caganer Harebrained

    One fact that we love from our Shit For Brains game and book is about El Caganer:

    "In Spain's Catalonia region, nativity scenes include a very special character: El Caganer, a villager taking a dump in the corner. Traditionally, the figure was a male peasant with a red hat; nowadays the mad crapper can be anyone, including politicians, movie stars, and video game characters."

    I feel like we need to spread the word and adopt El Caganer on a global level. If you'd like to add a little Spanish culture into your life, download this FREE coloring page and hang it up in your home!

    You'll Have To Speak Up

    You'll Have To Speak Up Harebrained

    One of my favorite Homer Simpson quotes is "You'll have to speak up, I'm wearing a towel"; the joke being that wearing a towel wouldn't affect your hearing. Now in this mashup, I've completely ruined the ridiculousness of the original statement, because in this instance, it would make sense that a cowl would hinder his hearing. Thus this mashup is actually worse than the original scene that I referenced. Please accept my apology in the form of a free coloring page

    Want it on a shirt instead? Click here!