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    Cosmic Crunch cereal

    Cosmic Crunch cereal Harebrained

    You too can be the Devourer of Bowls when you pick up a box of Cosmic Crunch! Free silver surfing space guy inside! Try Cosmic Crunch cereal- THEY'RE GRRRREAT!

    This is the perfect shirt for people who love Galactus, Cap'n Crunch, cereal boxes, fake cereals, Cap'N Crunch parodies, comic books, or my artwork.

    Xenomorphs Book

    Xenomorphs Book Harebrained

    Yay I'm an author! Please check out my new young adult novel Xenomophs! it's about an alien race that can change forms throughout it's life! And you won't believe what happens when it encounters humans! Fans of the Animorphs book series will hate it!

    Oh wait, never mind. This isn't a book, it's just a drawing. And I put it on a shirt.

    Meaties Cereal

    Meaties Cereal Harebrained

    (I wrote this as a text only Facebook post for reasons, so enjoy this copy and paste)

    "Okay, so it's a cereal design (you know how we love those) and it's got Parks & Rec's Ron Swanson on it. He's sporting his signature mustache, pompadour, and grimace- all while holding a spoonful of cereal. In his other hand is a note that says "Give me all the bacon and egg marshmallows". Now the cereal is called "Meaties" which is a play on the iconic "Wheaties" brand cereal. Wheaties doesn't have any marshmallows, but I've ignored that fact so I could add some extra fun elements to the design. In this case, the marshmallows look like eggs, bacon, sausages, and a t-bone steak. Above the name "Meaties" is the name of the fake company that manufacturers the cereal : Food & Stuff. Much like other real cereals, there's something FREE in the box; Meaties has a free "Pyramid of Greatness" included in the cereal box."

    Reading is fun! So is this shirt! Buy the shirt!

    Super Omni Mario

    Super Omni Mario Harebrained

    Welcome to our newest shirt mash up- Super Omni Mario and it's a mashup of Mario and a character called Omni Man from the animated series & comic book, Invincible. If you're not familiar, Omni Man is basically Superman with a mustache; Mario is a Nintendo video game character who also has a mustache. A mustache is not their only shared trait: Omni Man has a cape, can fly, and is strong enough to kill anyone on Earth. Mario also has a cape, can fly, and indiscriminately slaughters anything he comes across on his world. They're basically the same person.

    Want your own Super Omni Mario? Get your own shirt here!