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    The Harebrained Blog about Period Panties, Design, and Good Time Fun

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    2017's Shirt Designs!

    2017 was an amazing year for us! We had a birth, a wedding, and we hired a new employee! We released two non-period related underwear lines (Bad Natured and Hunky Junkies) and a trivia game (Shit For Brains)! In addition to that, we designed more shirt designs in 2017 than any other year! (Check out those designs here!)

    Hopefully we can outdo ourselves in 2018!

    Event Calendar Updated

    We've just updated the Harebrained event calendar with the schedule for the first few months of 2018. We've got some of our regular Comic Con haunts, including a few stops on the Wizard World tour where we'll see Stan Lee, David Tennant, Jason Momoa, Rider Strong, and the Fonz himself, Henry Winkler! We're also hitting up Walker Stalker in Portland and Chicago, and will be branching out at some Tattoo Conventions in Chicago and Philadelphia. And after years of being wait-listed, we're going to be at Emerald City Comic Con in Seattle!! Check out our calendar to see where you can awkwardly buy some of our underwear in person.

    2017 Wrap-Up

    Harebrained products
    And while we're waxing on about the end of the year, we wanted to take a look back at all the products we released this year- not only did we release 10 new Period Panties, including some of our best-sellers in Staining Things and Supermenstrual, but we also released our first non-menstrual related underwear. For the women, there are two crude forest animals flipping the bird in our Bad Natured collection, and for the dudes, our Hunky Junkies give you all the nerdy dick jokes you can handle! And of course we anthropomorphized some cats into Mario and Star Wars characters for the littlest humans with our new onesies. And just in time for Christmas, we've just launched our new irreverent trivia game, full of the weirdest, grossest, dumbest facts you can imagine with Shit For Brains! We like to describe it as Trivial Pursuit meets Cards Against Humanity.
    We have plenty of new ideas planned for 2018, including new underwear designs for both men and women, as well as non-underwear too. Stay tuned!

    That's a wrap!

    Harebrained events 2017
    After a successful weekend vending at Portland's Geek the Halls Christmas market, we've just wrapped up our events for the year. We sold our Period Panties, shirts, and Fresh Baked Kittens onesies at 33 events in 19 different cities! That's nearly 3 events each month, which is pretty insane considering we're a 4-person company. We have lots of events in store for 2018, so be sure to check out event calendar for regular updates!